Biggar Rugby Football Club
⦁ Hartree Mill Sports Ground,
⦁ Biggar, Lanarkshire, ML12 6JJ
One Club - One Family
Acceptable Behaviour Policy
Purpose :
⦁ To support the implementation of the Codes of Conduct.
⦁ To ensure that all patrons within the scope of this policy recognise their responsibility in ensuring they model appropriate behaviour at all times.
⦁ To ensure that reasonable and proportionate action is taken to address unacceptable behaviour.
⦁ To ensure the values of Biggar Rugby Football Club (BRFC) are maintained across all aspects of club function.
Scope: This policy applies to all members, players, employees, visitors, parents and volunteers attending or participating in activities associated with and attending at BRFC. Within this policy the above named will be referred to as patrons.
Document Control : This policy will be subject to annual review by BRFC committee and The Board of Trustees.
Biggar Rugby Football club has a responsibility to ensure that all accessing their facilities have clarity around the expectations of acceptable social behaviour. This refers to behaviours demonstrated on and off the pitch.
The introduction of this policy gives clarity about the expectations of BRFC and measures which will be taken to manage, de-escalate and resolve matters relating to unacceptable behaviour.
It is expected that all patrons of BRFC will adhere to the Codes of Conduct therefore reducing the likelihood of enforcement of this policy.
Unacceptable behaviour
For the purpose of this policy, unacceptable behaviour is described as behaviour which may include bullying, harassment and victimisation, may involve actions, words or physical gestures that could reasonably be perceived to be the cause of another person's distress, discomfort or injury.
Bullying or harassment may be by an individual against an individual or involve groups of people. Examples are listed below, however the list is not exhaustive and background, history and context may be taken into account if unacceptable behaviour requires to be challenged.
Examples of unacceptable behaviours :
⦁ Exclusion of players within a team by other players or the coaching team.
⦁ Demonstration of favouritism
⦁ Verbal or physical abuse towards others.
⦁ Intimidation of and threatening others.
⦁ Poor tone, use of language and behaviour towards others.
⦁ Disregard for rules.
⦁ Discriminatory behaviour.
⦁ Spreading of malicious rumours or gossip.
⦁ Bullying behaviour whether in person or on line/through social media or other forms of electronic communication.
⦁ Demonstrating behaviour which puts others at risk of harm.
⦁ Behaviours which compromise or disregard governance as set out by Scottish Rugby
⦁ Behaviour which compromise the reputation of BRFC within the rugby community and beyond.
⦁ Using disrespectful language when writing about or referring to BRFC or patrons associated with, within social media forums.
Addressing Unacceptable Behaviours
BRFC reserve the right to impose sanctions to address behaviours which are deemed unacceptable and put people and the reputation of BRFC at risk.
This policy supports the implementation of sanctions to enable unacceptable behaviour to be challenged and consequences to be implemented to ensure accountability.
⦁ If your behaviour, in a training session, during a game as a coach, spectator or player has a negative impact on other players, spectators or coaches (in any way), you will be given a verbal warning.
⦁ In the case of player behaviour this verbal warning will be issued by the coaching team.
⦁ In the case of spectators (including parents on the side line) or visitors, this may be issued by the coaching team, team management or another member of the committee of BRFC.
⦁ An explanation will be given as to why your behaviours are unacceptable.
⦁ If, following this explanation, you continue to behave in an unacceptable manner you will be asked to leave the session /game/sideline or clubhouse/grounds.
⦁ The length of the 'Time out' is proportionate to the severity of your behaviour and may be up to two weeks, dependent on the circumstances. This exclusion may impact on your participation in other activities within the club and will be at the discretion of the Director of Rugby, Director of Youth Rugby and the committee of BRFC.
Unacceptable behaviour in child and youth rugby
⦁ If you have been asked to leave a session or game because of your behaviour you will not return to that session or game until you and your parents/guardians (where relevant) have met with the coaching team to resolve the issue.
⦁ In some circumstances individual contracts or agreements for future participation may be agreed between you, your parents/guardians (where relevant) and your coach (this may include increased supervision during training).
⦁ If unacceptable behaviour continues and an agreement cannot be reached, temporary or permanent exclusion from the club may follow.
Unacceptable behaviour in Adult Rugby
⦁ If you have been asked to leave a session or game because of your behaviour you will not return to that session or game until you have met with the coaching team to resolve the issue.
⦁ If unacceptable behaviour continues and an agreement cannot be reached, temporary or permanent exclusion from the club may follow.
Louise Storie (on behalf of the BRFC committee)
BRFC Safeguarding Officer
July 2023